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Battle of the chip between Intel and ARM

Battle of the chip really fight, the winner is who? Results not difficult to guess, of course, is Intel.

Compared with ARM, Intel has absolute advantage in influence, the ability and financial. The dominance of Intel in the PC field inherent, ARM is hard to shake. Intel's future products will be beyond the ARM, to consolidate its strong position.

These assumptions are based on the ARM chip manufacturers do not transfer the premise of the camp. Imagine, if Apple decides to switch to Intel chips, which will be ARM What impact?

Currently, Apple iPhone and iPad using ARM chips manufactured by Samsung, Samsung is undoubtedly Apple's most direct competitor. Allow the his nemesis production needed chip commercial behavior is obviously not enough wise. The transfer array Intel means that Apple no longer need to rely Samsung.

Consider from Apple's point of view, The Intel can diversify the supply chain, resulting in competition on the supply chain, thereby strengthening their own territory. Moreover, Apple will win greater control over the supply chain, the iPhone and iPad peak demand, reducing the risk of insufficient supply.

For Apple to switch to Intel chips is absolutely profitable. If Intel can improve the mobile chip design, improve work efficiency and reduce power consumption, Apple turn array Intel a matter of time. Then, the situation for ARM is bound to very unfavorable, because the ARM will lose large sums of revenue for the Apple-designed chip intellectual property converted to.

The authors believe that, despite the current the ARM performed well, but Intel's significant growth will inevitably lead to the loss of the ARM. If you want this chip war for profit, short-term support for ARM, long-term or support for Intel.

